Heather Cleveland
I wanted to be an actress for a long time until I realized it wasn't so much the acting that I loved but the storytelling. (But don't get me wrong, if someone offered me a dream role in a movie, I'd take it.) So I've lovingly returned to my childhood pastime of writing, only now my novels come to life on my computer screen rather than being scrawled in a spiral notebook. And thank goodness for that, or it'd take me a year to finish the editing process.
I'm active in our local theatre scene (on the management side now). I love traveling, playing games, gardening, crafting, and checking items off my bucket list--last accomplishment: learn to sew; next up: milk a cow. If you asked my friends to describe me, I think they'd say I am a little quirky and an old soul.
I live north of Denver with my very supportive husband. He is vital to my writing process--serving as sounding board, walking thesaurus, and reality check.(© https://www.facebook.com/booksbyheathercleveland/info)
Meyers grew up in Vermont and now lives in Central New York. When she’s
not reading or writing, she’s chasing her four kids around, exploring
the outdoors with them, relishing the few quiet moments she gets with
her husband, baking sweet treats, and forgetting to make dinner. Though
she cannot actually see the future nor heal with a touch of her hand,
she likes to think her children believe she can. Intangible is her first
novel. (© www.jmeyersbooks.com)
J.C. Isabella
© http://www.jcisabella.com/)
J.C.'s Books
Jennifer Brown
Jennifer Brown lives in Springfield Ohio, and has written since third grade. She was taught to read at an early age and fell in love with books, mainly mysteries. Her love of books grew, and in the summer before she started high school she wrote her longest story, halfway filling an old school notebook. In high school she started to enter writing contests, and in her junior and senior years joined the Herald staff becoming entertainment editor over her high school newspaper.
After graduating, with a few writing contest awards under her belt she attended college a year later, and was urged by her English instructor to join the college paper. She did, writing a few reviews of restaraunts and movies, as well as writing a review of her first Alanis Morissette concert. A few years later she was asked to take the position of entertainment editor.
At 38, Jennifer has written several stories and has many more in store for readers. When she is not writing she likes reading, working on computer graphics, editing photos, listening to music, and brainstorming for new ideas!
(© http://jenniferbrownauthor.weebly.com)
Jennifer's Books
Jillian Dodd grew up on a farm in Nebraska, where she developed a
love for Midwestern boys and Nebraska football. She has drank from a keg
in a cornfield, attended the University of Nebraska, got to pass her
candle, and did have a boy ask her to marry him in a bar. She met her
own prince in college, and they have two amazing children, a Maltese
named Sugar Bear, and a Labrador puppy named Camber Lacey.
She is the author of the books, That Boy and That Wedding. This summer
she will introduce a new series called The Keatyn Chronicles. (© www.jilliandodd.net)
Joanne Armstrong
Previously a full-time primary teacher, I have fifteen years teaching experience with students of various ages from 7 - 15. I currently teach one day a week and spend the rest of the time either with my two children or writing.
My parents tell me they always knew I'd write a book one day, which surprises and delights me, since I certainly didn't know it myself.
A New Zealander by birth, my formative years were spent in some interesting places, and I completed my B.Ed in Art and Education at Cambridge in the UK. I now live in the South Island of New Zealand, which, after close scrutiny of a few other places as a child, I have decided is simply where my soul resides.
Unworthy is my first novel and I intend it to be closely followed by my second. (© http://unworthynovel.blogspot.com/)
Joanne's Books
Josh Grayson
K.J. Hunter-Brown
© http://kayjaythewriter.tumblr.com/)
K.J.'s Books
Joanne Armstrong
Previously a full-time primary teacher, I have fifteen years teaching experience with students of various ages from 7 - 15. I currently teach one day a week and spend the rest of the time either with my two children or writing.
My parents tell me they always knew I'd write a book one day, which surprises and delights me, since I certainly didn't know it myself.
A New Zealander by birth, my formative years were spent in some interesting places, and I completed my B.Ed in Art and Education at Cambridge in the UK. I now live in the South Island of New Zealand, which, after close scrutiny of a few other places as a child, I have decided is simply where my soul resides.
Unworthy is my first novel and I intend it to be closely followed by my second. (© http://unworthynovel.blogspot.com/)
Joanne's Books
Josh Grayson
K.J. Hunter-Brown

© http://kayjaythewriter.tumblr.com/)
K.J.'s Books
Karly Kirkpatrick
loved books as long as I can remember and I've been writing silly
things (like notes, letters, diary entries, lame teen-angsty poems and a
ga-gillion story ideas) since I learned to use a pencil. I decided
one fine summer day that maybe I should give one of my many story ideas
a chance. I wrote my first YA novel in 2007-2008 and have since added
a picture book, screenplay for a short film, more YA novels, and a
plethora of flash fiction (short stories). (© www.karlykirkpatrick.blogspot.com)
Kirstin Pulioff is a storyteller at heart. Born and raised in Southern California, she moved to the Pacific Northwest to follow her dreams and graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Forest Management. Happily married and a mother of two, she lives in North Plains, Oregon, and enjoys being a stay at home mom. When she’s not writing, she is busy with her kids, church and the family business. (© http://www.kirstinpulioff.com/)
Laura Howard
I’m an author, a mother of 4 and a voracious reader.
My obsession with books began at the age of 6 when I got my first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. My mom took me to the library nearly everyday so I could get my fix!
Books took a backseat to diapers when I had my first child at the age of 21. It may seem young, but I always knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom –– I’ve kinda got this hardwired need to take care of people. It wasn’t until the release of a little saga called Twilight, 8 years later, that I rediscovered my love of fiction. (© http://www.laurahoward78.blogspot.com/)
Laura's Books
Leta McCurry
© Laura Howard
I’m an author, a mother of 4 and a voracious reader.
My obsession with books began at the age of 6 when I got my first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. My mom took me to the library nearly everyday so I could get my fix!
Books took a backseat to diapers when I had my first child at the age of 21. It may seem young, but I always knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom –– I’ve kinda got this hardwired need to take care of people. It wasn’t until the release of a little saga called Twilight, 8 years later, that I rediscovered my love of fiction. (© http://www.laurahoward78.blogspot.com/)
Laura's Books
Leta McCurry
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