The truth is, I work very well under pressure. It can be incredibly stressful, but it’s also very fun.

And here we are!! One week from the release of Demons Forever! I am excited and so very nervous to find out what everyone thinks of the ending. I have truly poured my heart and my passion into this novel, so I am praying fans of the series love it!
As I’ve mentioned before, October 29th is also my 2 year Indie-versary!!!! That means it will be exactly two years since I took a leap of faith and self-published Beautiful Demons. I was nervous, wondering if it was a smart move for me or if I should look for an agent and try to publish traditionally instead. I am so happy I decided to become an Indie author. It’s one of the best decisions I ever made, and I am excited to celebrate 2 years and over 104,000 sales.
How do I plan to celebrate both of these major events?? With some fun FAN APPRECIATION giveaways!!!!! After all, where would I be without you guys? <3 I have been working very hard to put together a fun fan appreciation swag pack. I will have all of the amazing details on how to get one for yourself starting soon (after I finish all the final work on Demons Forever), but for now, I’ll tease you a little with pics of what is in the prize packs. I hope you like it!
Check out Sarra's blog for this awesome Giveaway!!!

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