“I just got off work,” I replied trying hard to keep my eyes
on his and not his chest.
“So you got
a job?”
“Where at?”
I wasn’t
sure how I felt about telling him too much. He wasn’t a friend. And it was obvious I’d never consider him
family. Our parents may be married but he didn’t seem to want to have anything
to do with my father or me.
Country Club,” I replied.
eyebrows shot up and he took a step closer to me then slipped a hand under my
chin and tilted my face up. “You’re wearing mascara,” he said studying me.
“Yes I am,”
I pulled my chin out of his grasp. He may be letting me sleep at his house but
I didn’t like him touching me. Or maybe I did like him touching me and that was
the problem. I didn’t want to like him touching me.
“It makes
you look more your age,” he stepped back and did a slow appraisal of my
“You’re the
cart girl at the golf course,” he said simply looking back up at me.
“How did
you know?” I asked.
He waved a
hand at me, “The outfit. Tight little white shorts and polo shirts. It’s the
I was glad
for the darkness. I was positive I was blushing.
making a fucking killing aren’t you?” he asked in an amused tone.
I’d made
over five hundred dollars in tips in two days. That wasn’t a killing to him but
to me it was.
So I shrugged. “You will be
relieved to know that I’ll be out of here in less than a month.”
He didn’t respond right away. I
should probably leave and go get my shower. I started to say something when he
took a step closer to me. “I probably should be. Relieved that is. Real fucking
relieved. But, I’m not. I’m not relieved, Blaire,” he paused and leaned down to
whisper in my ear, “why is that?”
I wanted to reach out and grab his
arms to keep from crumpling to the ground in a heap of mush. But I refrained.
“Keep your distance from me, Blaire.
You don’t want too close. Last night,” he swallowed loudly. “Last night, is
haunting me. Knowing you were watching. It drives me crazy. So, stay away. I’m
doing my best to stay way from you.” He turned and jogged back up to the house
as I stood there trying to keep from melting in a puddle onto the sand. Check out Abbi's Website for info on Fallen to Far.

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