Written By:
Alexandra Diane
It didn’t take me long to find Greg. He was sitting alone on a bench holding Daisy. He was trying his best not to let his frustration show, but he never really knew how to get rid of his scowl.
“You alright?” he asked.
I let my shoulders drop. I had used the last bit of my facade on the captain. “As I’ll ever be.”
I looked around and saw that Mike’s desk was empty. “Are they really still questioning him?”
“Nah, he’s in the media room. The officer that brought in Elliott said we had to listen to what his dash cam caught. Mike was just making sure there was nothing that would upset you.” He stood and took my hand.
I expected it to feel strange walking down the hall holding his hand again. I spent so many months after our breakup trying to figure out what went wrong. It was nice to know now that it was nothing between us. I wanted to be mad at my father, but he was right. We were too young to understand anything. I was happy that I finished college. Might had done it sooner if I didn’t spend my first semester as an emotional mess.
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