Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog Update from Samantha March

And the editing fun continues! Last time I checked in, I had just finished the first round of self-edits and was working on the first round of re-writing. Those are both behind me, and now I’m doing another read-through before I send off to the awesome three beta readers who have stepped up for me. Or at least that is what I thought…until last night, around 3am. I woke up after dreaming about my characters – a full on dream, where my characters had come to life and were playing out in my mind like a movie scene. I LOVE when this happens. As I’ve been writing and re-writing and reading and editing, there has been something with my plot that just seemed … off. I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out, no matter how much reading I did, notes I took, or words I scrutinized. All it took was a dream for me put my finger on it. And once those pieces clicked into the place, I even started getting ideas for a title, which had previously eluded me, no matter how hard I tried to think of one. I am so excited to finish this read-through and clear up any little errors, then go back in for some heavy re-writing. And then for the nerves to kick in once I hand my MS off to the betas!

Keep checking Samantha's Blog for future book updates!!

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